Healthcare For Generations (HFG)

Healthcare For Generations (HFG) formerly Partnership for a HIV Free Generation (HFG)

George Were

CPA George Henry Otieno Were is an inspirational leader with over 20 years working experience in internal audit and compliance, risk management, financial management, credit management and grants management in both local and international non-profit organizations. He has sound knowledge on US Government Rules and Regulations governing Acquisition and Assistance ranging from 2 CFR 200, A-110, A-133, A-122, 45 CFR 75, FAR and AIDAR. In addition, he has working experience with other donor funded projects like the Global Fund, Bill and Melinda Gates foundation, DFID, EU, ECO and foundations. George has delivered various trainings on financial management, compliance, health systems strengthening and training of trainers (TOT) to various employees of international NPOs and local NGOs.